Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Blood sugar low or Newlywed?

My husband and I are newlyweds... in our six months of marriage we have totaled a car, been unemployed, bought an old car, bought a bike, found a new job, worked over time, searched for a house, and fit all (most) of our belongings in about 500 square feet.

Sometimes I don't know if the hard part is what we're going through, adjusting to each other, or one of us having a "low". Mr. Amazing has diabetes and I have a mix of slight hypoglycemia and a high metabolism. That means that we can get into a confusing spiraled conversation for 15 minute before we realize one of us is low... or not understanding... or low... or emotional (me)... or confused... You know how they get that glassy look and all the sudden in mid sentence of total confusion you see their eyebrows furrow and pause, "Hold on, my blood sugars low." It's rather funny if you were watching from the outside (and don't realize what it feels like;-)). So many times in our conversations I'm not sure if it's that I need to understand him better or if I need to understand the effects of wacky blood sugar better.

Married life is downright amazing and I absolutely love it since it includes my beloved Mr. Amazing. He is my best friend, my hero, and my heart all rolled up into one amazing man. I still have to admit that we're not perfect and there still are many things we are learning about each other every day. Sometimes I just wonder if half the confusion is the circumstances... or low blood sugar.;-)

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