Thursday, May 7, 2009

Pure Admiration

Sometimes it just amazes me how much people with type 1 diabetes can go through every day. How they can make a total turnaround of their life when they're diagnosed. How even as a child they become resiliant, bold, and mature when first diagnosed. My husband is one of those people that amazes me.

It amazes me how every day he gets up and takes his shot despite his life-long fear of needles. He can't even watch someone get a shot on T.V. without grimacing and turning away! But every day, twice a day, he pulls out his kit and goes at it - grimacing and pale. My husband is spontaneous and random but every day he grabs his kit before he goes anywhere, he checks his supplies to make sure he has plenty, he keeps carbs and sugars on hand constantly, he eats regular meals at regular times... and all he wants to do is throw down the kit and run and do everything and anything that doesn't keep him tied. He once told me that the thing he hates the most about diabetes is having to stop and think before he goes anywhere or does anything instead of just going... and he's afraid of needles so you know that means a lot! Even when his sugar goes low, he gets naseaus, and terrible headaches he goes on with life and just takes it in a stride trying to ignore the awful symptoms. And he does this every day.

Do you want to know what amazes me? Looking at my husband and watching him conquer life. That's why he's my Mr. Amazing and I promise to be at his side helping him keep this in check.

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